by Sage Campione D.C. "Doc Sage" | Learning Center/Blog, Prentive Health Strategies
“Vitamin D” is a term that references both vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). There has been considerable debate about whether these two forms are equivalent in their actions. In a paper published this month in Frontiers in Immunology,...
by Sage Campione D.C. "Doc Sage" | Learning Center/Blog, Prentive Health Strategies
Are you one of the people who feel down in the winter months from the lack of sunlight during the shorter days? If you live north of latitude 35, then you may be very low in Vitamin D. Low Vitamin D levels are linked to increased risk of osteoporosis, brittle bones,...
by Sage Campione D.C. "Doc Sage" | Healthy Home, Learning Center/Blog, Prentive Health Strategies, Uncategorized
It’s “that” time again…time to cleanse, take care of your “temple”, recharge, reset, reflect and rejuvenate. If this is the one time a year you do a cleanse, then I suggest you step up, order and carve out the time to ‘just do...
by Sage Campione D.C. "Doc Sage" | Learning Center/Blog, Prentive Health Strategies, Sleep Benefits
I love this time of year, but it definitely gets hectic. I would like you to think about resolving to include more downtime in your life, including what downtime looks like for you, what are some great ideas for downtime, how to schedule downtime, and why is it so...
by Sage Campione D.C. "Doc Sage" | Learning Center/Blog, Prentive Health Strategies
Laser therapy is taking off across the country. Doctors in chiropractic, podiatry and pain specialists have been using this amazing new technology to help heal people suffering from pain and inflammation. You might have started to hear the buzz lately, but please...