Too much sun exposure can burn your skin, but sunscreen can be dangerous because the toxic ingredients used to make most sunscreens is absorbed through the skin and can cause more damage than the exposure itself.

Sunlight can be good in the right dose.  20 to 30 minutes of direct exposure can contribute to raising vitamin D levels.  Vitamin D is difficult to get from foods, especially if you do not eat dairy.

Other benefits of the sun include:

  • Decreased depression
  • Assists in maintaining proper levels of serotonin and melatonin for mood and sleep enhancement
  • Prevents S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder)
  • Enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption
  • DNA repair
  • Reduces the risk of M.S., R.A., diabetes, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel, and thyroiditis


Free radicals are a chemical reaction, caused by oxidation, which happens naturally as cells process the oxygen that you breath.  Oxidation is increased by fried foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke and pesticides.  Your body can naturally repair itself.  If it is overwhelmed however, free radical damage can cause wrinkles, memory loss, the breakdown of organs, auto immune disease, heart disease, type II diabetes and cancer.

Vitamin C acts as a natural sunscreen.  Vitamin C in skin lotions can be applied to the skin to destroy free radicals on contact.

Antioxidants will help to fight free radical damage and give the body what it needs to re-construct healthy skin.  Below are some of the antioxidants that will be protective for free radical damage and the skin.

  • Vitamin C – plentiful in Brussels Sprouts, cauliflower, green and red peppers, cabbage, greens, Nopales (cactus), sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes, and winter squash
  • Lycopene – found in foods with pink or red hues such as watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, goji berries, tomatoes, and red peppers
  • Polyphenols – responsible for blue, red and violet hues in plants can be found in Romaine lettuce, berries, celery, tomatoes, peaches, apples, garbanzo beans, pears, oranges, almonds, watermelon, cacao beans, cinnamon, grapes, grape seed, turmeric, dark leafy greens, ginger, garlic, onions, pomegranate, green tea and mushrooms

Eating a wide variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables will ensure that you are giving your body a wide variety of antioxidants to arm you in the fight against toxins and free radicals.  It is the cheapest and most delicious insurance you can get to safeguard your health.

Please contact me or Doc Sage with any questions you may have about nutrition and supplements or complete this health check survey and schedule a free consultation today.

Be Your Best Health,

Jill Shanahan L.E.

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References: Sun Phobia David Christopher, M.H.; The Power of Nutrient Dense Food by Patti Weller, C.C.N.